“When life knocks you to the ground, take a moment to plant a seed.”
-Denver J. Hudson
Author Archives: Denver J. Hudson
Express Gratitude to Others
We are a very achievement-oriented culture – have you noticed? We get a thrill out of accomplishing things. And yet far too often we are quick to go straight onto the NEXT project or task before taking the time to really stop and celebrate what we have achieved – and who we have become in the process. In The WOW! Movement (a program of Advanced Fitness Coaching), we are invited to become “Leaders of Appreciation.” As Leaders of Appreciation, we make it a point to slow down, invite others into conversation, and sincerely express gratitude and appreciation for the contributions they are making in our lives and community.
Imagine the following:
- You invite your spouse to a relaxing dinner and take the time to express appreciation for who they are and what they do in your marriage and family.
- You invite a co-worker to have lunch with you. During the lunch, you take the time to sincerely express appreciation for how they show up at work and how they have influenced you personally.
- You set up a meeting with those you lead with one purpose: to express gratitude to each of them for the difference they are making in your company.
- You look at yourself in a mirror and express gratitude and appreciation for the strengths you possess and the person you have become.
Just imagine if these types of actions were the norm in our world today. Wouldn’t we be healthier? Happier?…
When we express gratitude and appreciation to others, we are celebrating them and their contributions. Speaking of celebrating, I recently ran across a quote from Abraham Joshua Heschel (who was internationally known as a scholar, author, activist, and theologian) that caused me to pause and ponder. See what you think:
“People of our time are losing the power of celebration. Instead of celebrating, we seek to be amused or entertained. Celebration is an active state, an act of expressing reverence or appreciation. To be entertained is a passive state – it is to receive pleasure afforded by an amusing act or a spectacle… Celebration is a confrontation, giving attention to the transcendent meaning of one’s actions.” (Emphasis added.)
I tend to agree with Abraham. It does seem that we are losing the power of celebration in many areas of our lives. At Advanced Fitness Coaching, one of our intentions is to bring celebration back into our lives! To step up and to be people who are bold in expressing gratitude and appreciation for others – and to celebrate their personhood, their contributions, and what they mean to us.
Here are some questions for REFLECTION and ACTION:
- How do you like to be recognized for your accomplishments and contributions? Write these things down and let those closest to you know what they are.
- How do those around you – your spouse, your coworkers, your boss – like to be recognized and appreciated? If you don’t know, ask! Write these down and make a plan of action. Make it a goal to express appreciation to one person a day, or one person a week. Make it meaningful and heart-felt.
- Who could you meet with on a regular basis for a “Celebration Party”? Invite them! You could have the party over a lunch break, or immediately after work. Spend some time during the party expressing appreciation and gratitude for those in your life and how they have contributed. Support each other in being “Leaders of Appreciation.”
- What stops you from expressing gratitude and appreciation more often? Really take a look at this. If you don’t know right away, set the goal to express gratitude and appreciation to someone TODAY and notice the excuses and reasons that start showing up. (For example, “I don’t have time…” “People will think I want something from them…” “This just feels ‘weird’…” etc.)
- What do you experience when you think of yourself as a “Leader of Appreciation”? If you like the title, why not create a name tag and wear it? Let others know that you’re taking this on – and that they can expect to receive some sincere appreciation from you! Notice how contagious this can be. You might even create a WOW! Movement right where you are!
Have fun celebrating others!
Welcome to Advanced Fitness Coaching!
Welcome to the new website of Advanced Fitness Coaching and The WOW! Movement(TM)! Previously two websites, we have merged our sites into one to bring greater clarity to our offerings and to increase the opportunities to interact with our visitors and clients.
As we continue to add to our site and BLOG, we invite you to visit us often. And while you’re here, please sign up to receive our monthly newsletter entitled Vital Health – Masterful Living. In this informative newsletter, we’ll provide you with relevant information about nutrition, exercise, relationships, and leading positive change in our world. To sign-up, simply complete the form to the right –>
Also, please consider joining The WOW! Movement(TM) – an emerging movement with the vision of Creating a World of Well-Being by providing education, coaching, and community for those who are ready to renew their health, strengthen relationships, and lead positive change in their family, workplace, community and world. You can sign-up and become a Founding Member at no cost.
We look forward to having you as part of our community!
– Denver and Laura Hudson